Grass-Fed Beef Organs Complex

180 ct

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100% Grass‐Fed, Grass‐Finished, Free-Range Superfood

A unique combination of freeze‑dried bovine organs sourced from 100% grass‑fed and finished New Zealand cattle (free from bovine spongiform encephalopathy). It is formulated with a targeted blend of five different bovine organs, including the liver, heart, pancreas, kidney, and spleen, providing naturally occurring levels of various vital nutrients and compounds that may help support nutrient status in the body.* Each 6‑capsule serving provides 1 g of bovine liver and 500 mg each of bovine heart, kidney, pancreas, and spleen (produced from 0.6 oz raw organ weight) in a convenient capsule delivery.

Grass-Fed Beef Organs Complex is a good source of iron, providing 3 mg (15% DV) per serving. It also contains 3 g of protein per serving. This formula may help fill the nutritional gaps for individuals following a standard American diet and is ideal for individuals following a Paleo-style diet, a strict carnivore diet, or those who have difficulty preparing and eating fresh organ meats.

Warning: This product is unsuitable for gout patients, as organ meats are high in purines and may potentially increase uric acid levels.


•Gluten-Free • Dairy-Free • Soy-Free • Non-GMO


• Supports the body’s overall micronutrient status

• May support cellular energy

• Promotes consumption of nutrients found at suboptimal amounts from standard diets

• Good source of iron with 3 mg per serving

• Contains no artificial or synthetic ingredients and no artificial flavors, colors, or chemical preservatives

• Convenient capsule delivery requiring no preparation or consumption of fresh organ meats

• Certified BSE-free (or free of bovine spongiform encephalopathy, which is also known as mad cow disease); raw materials have been thoroughly inspected and are free of contamination


Freeze-dried bovine organs:

The bovine organs in Grass-Fed Beef Organs Complex are sourced from animals that have been raised under normal New Zealand conditions with year‑round access to grass. They have not been fed anything other than grass, hay, silage, lucerne, or non‑grain feed crops.

The cattle from which the product was derived have never been fed any feed containing genetically engineered ingredients or administered antibiotics in any form from birth to harvest. They were also raised without any added hormones or growth stimulants. Conventionally grown cattle are often given antibiotics, growth hormones, stimulants, and genetically engineered grain‑derived feed, which may be deleterious to human health.

Other Ingredients

Gelatin (capsule), microcrystalline cellulose.

Recommended Use

Take 6 capsules per day or as directed by your healthcare practitioner.

WARNING: This product is not suitable for patients with gout, as organ meats are high in purines and may potentially increase uric acid levels.